
Establishment years : - June 2014
The college has started the course of History in 2014 with inception and studied at FYBA / SYBA and TYBA Six paper.& MA. History Department facilitate the History learners to learn the History effectively and help them to understand history study and assist them to acquire Knowlege over the target Study. It also provides Special Education courses in history and Humanities.


The students from our department are participating in various activities of college. Department conducts other activities.
Sr. No Photo Name Qualification Designation Experience
1 Prof. Pravartan Sanjay Kashid M.A.(History)., B.ed Assistant Professor 09 Yrs
2 Prof. Kailas Narayan Patil M.A.(History)., B.ed Assistant Professor 09 Yrs
Asst.Prof. Pravartan Sanjay Kashidhas been working as a Asst. Professor History of the college. He is a,
  • HOD of History Department
  • LMC Teachar Co-ordinator of the College.
Asst.Prof. Kailas Narayan Patilhas been working as a Asst. Professor history of the college. He is a,
  • Sport Department of the College.
  • Co-ordinator of Examination Committee.

Non-Teaching Staff


  • To Know and understand significant aspects of the history of tribal students and to improve their history knowledge.
  • To understand historical concepts such as continuity and change cause and consequence, similar, difference and significance and use them make connection, draw contrasts, analyses trends frame Historically valid questions and create their own structured.
  • To introduce the various Indian and foreign traditions, heritage and historical movement.
  • To understanding of the historical methods of study and research in history.

Courses Offered

  • TYBA History 6 Paper
  • MA -1 History 4 Paper


