About College

Girivasi Seva Mandal Kalyan’s MURLIDHAR NANAJI MOHITE ARTS, COMMERCE & B.M.S College Khodala-Jogalwadi, founded in 2013, is an Arts , Commerce & B.M.S College affiliated to University Of Mumbai. Maharashtra, India. an educational agency known for its unfading vision and mission, in the field of higher education.
The motto, on the crest, chosen for the college, “Truth Liberates” neatly sums up the aim of the College. It aims at liberating the younger generation from the darkness of ignorance by leading them into the light of truth which knowledge provides. The purpose of education is the cultivation of the head and the heart of the young and MNMG College, makes an earnest effort in this direction.
The institution endeavors to inculcate human values in the minds of the young, a deep faith in God, love for their fellow men and devotion for the mother land. This College lays great stress on academic excellence and self-discipline.
We have well equipped Library and a computerized Library. The college is well reputed for academic excellence and discipline. Our institution is blessed with a team of dedicated teachers who take great delight in molding the future generation. The ambience the college provides, with the beautiful ranges of mountains all around, where rain and snow play hide and seek, where ravines and rivulets flow zig zag, is certainly conducive for study and all round development.
The Vision & Mission of MNMG College, Khodala-Jogalwadi is after the example of our Founder Blessed Dr. Chandramani Murlidhar Mohite , consider education the integral formation of the human person for the fulfillment of his/ her individual and social responsibilities.
Our educational endeavors aim at forming leaders who are intellectually competent, spiritually mature, morally upright, psychologically integrated, physically healthy and socially acceptable; who will champion the cause of justice, love, truth and peace and who are ever open to further growth. The secret of the success of our educational institutions is a community of teachers who are committed to their vocation, professionally competent, morally upright, just and humane in dealings and who grow in the true vision of education.
We aspire towards creating a just and humane society where dignity of the human person is respected, where unjust social structures are challenged, and where the poor and the marginalized are specially taken care of. We have to reach out to the families, primarily of the students, to assist them in their needs, to share in their joys and sorrows, and to help them experience love and freedom so that the students realize that our educational institutions are an extension of their homes.
Our institutions are open to all students irrespective of caste and creed; they are accepted and cherished as they are.The following are the chief objectives of the college:
- To grow as an institution of sound higher learning in the backward district of Palghar.
- To be a centre of light and life in this land and a blessing to many.
- To enable teachers and students to grow in the true love of knowledge.
- To create a just and humane society where dignity of the human person is respected, where unjust social structures are challenged, Religious Harmony and National Integration are upheld and where the poor and the marginalized are specially taken care of.
- To be an institution for molding its students as responsible citizens, integrating themselves into the community without prejudice or complexes and for enabling them to be the critics and conscience of society.
- To prepare the youth of the 21st century by promoting international brotherhood, environmental conscience, gender justice and the sense of harmony.
The college motto is taken from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Thoughts say You will know the truth and the truth will make you free. the fact that the only way to ultimate freedom is ultimate truth. The Hindu prays, Asathoma Sath Gamaya. Buddha exhorts, Hold to the truth within yourselves as to the only lamp.
The Quran proclaims that God is truth. To Gandhiji, all his life was an experiment with truth. Truth is always associated with knowledge.
It is knowledge that dispels the darkness of ignorance and fills the heart of man with the light of truth. The institution is committed to the liberation of the taught by providing them with the truth of knowledge. True knowledge sought in a spirit of enquiry matures the mind and liberates the soul. Ultimate truth is ultimate reality and those who devote themselves to it become free within and without.